Fighting Dirty: Barry Cooper and Kopbusters

by Michael on May 15, 2010

I first interviewed Barry Cooper in 2007 for Weekend America, when the ex-narcotics officer had released a series of DVDs called Never Get Busted that taught pot smokers how to hide their pot, trick drug dogs, grow marijuana outdoors and, in general, frustrate law enforcement’s efforts to catch them.  About a year ago, Barry called me to let me know he was starting a project he called “Kopbusters,” where he would set up sting operations to catch corrupt cops and then film it all going down for a reality show. Cooper should know better than anyone that you don’t mess with the police, but he went ahead, and, amazingly, cops fell for his traps (but, predictably, it didn’t end well). I produced a story for This American Life (press play below) and did a print version for the Texas Observer. Barry is a very fun character to interview, he’s outrageous but completely genuine. It really feels like he has nothing to hide and is completely certain of the righteousness of his own opinions and tactics (which makes it hard if you are looking for subtlety.)  He is also quite disarmingly trusting. At one point, I’d finished an interview with Barry at his house, and he had to run to make an appointment, so he left me alone in his house while I packed up my gear, and told me to lock the door on the way out.  Hope you enjoy the story of Barry’s exploits:

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    Photo by Matt Wright-Steel

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

barbara clingan June 23, 2010 at 3:19 pm

What an excellent production of Barry’s story. The sound, the music….very professional…with an important message worth hearing.

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